
What is Breathwork?

At the core of Transformational Healing Breathwork Experience is breathwork itself. Breathwork is the active form of deliberately manipulating your breath patterns to up-regulate, down-regulate, or balance the autonomic nervous system. Practiced regularly, breathwork can help you to enter a different state of awareness. While similar to the transformative goals of meditating, breathwork takes you to that place much quicker.

Practicing breathwork gives the brain's executive functioning something else to focus on, so you can bypass the mental level of consciousness and drop into a deeper state of consciousness with ease.

What is Conscious Connected Breathing?

In Breathwork, the term "Conscious Breathing" is used to simply describe various methods used to bring awareness to ones breath. Therefore, Conscious Connected Breathing is a technique where a person intentionally breathes in through the mouth, deep into the belly, and then without pausing, exhales in a manner where the breath passively falls away.

Overall, conscious connected breathing is a simple yet powerful tool that can help to regulate the nervous system and promote relaxation and well-being. It can be practiced anytime, anywhere, and is suitable for people of all ages and abilities.

What is Transformational Breathwork?

Transformational Breathwork uses a Conscious Connected Breathing pattern to increase the amount of oxygen in the body, while expelling high amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), creating a state known as transient hypofrontality – a temporary reduction of blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, allowing access to a state known as Theta brain state. It is in this brain state where the transformational healing breathwork experience occurs.

While in this state, the inner dialogue is switched off, and any inner critic, or ruminations, or self-talk that may be present - are all quietened.
It is in this theta brainwave state where the personal transformation occurs.

What is involved in a Transformational Breathwork Journey?

As the name suggests, the main emphasis of a Transformational Breathwork Journey is the breathwork.

However, the transformational healing or experience of a breathwork journey is comprised of three elements:

Conscious Connected Breathing
Specifically selected background music
Guidance & coaching by a qualified facilitator

What can Transformational Breathwork help Me with?

We all have experiences in life that have led to repeated emotional events that our bodies have had to deal with. When we chronically repress these emotions with a “chin up & carry on” attitude, our bodies retain the energy. This retained energy can create toxicity in our body, mind, and heart. This unprocessed emotional energy is stored in our organs, muscles, and tissues. It leads to inflammation and chronic health problems, and it undermines our overall well-being

During the Transformational Healing Breathwork Experience, we alter our autonomic nervous system (ANS), i.e. we either up-regulate, down-regulate, or we provide balance to the ANS. As we consciously breathe, our body adjusts and adapts to the levels oxygen we bring in and the levels of carbon dioxide that we release. In doing so, we can activate our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) or our parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest). The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems play a huge role in the stress and anxiety we experience, therefore by deliberately accessing them in a controlled and supervised way, we can proactively react to stress and anxiety.

The Experience itself...

The role of breathwork in our daily routine, is as important today as it was thousands of years ago. When we experience a traumatic event, our brain tries to forget about it, but our bodies never forget. This theory is put forward in the hugely successful book: “The Body Keeps The Score”, by Dr Bessel van der Kolk. How best do we deal with this? Breathwork is the key.

So with "the body keeps the score" theory in mind, every trauma – whether big T or little t, is stored within us. It is woven into our cellular structure, and it can reside deep in the subconscious mind, dictating our life.

It shows up in our everyday life, often in times of stressful, overwhelming situations. During these moments, the body experiences a fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response. You may notice your breathing reacts accordingly – short, shallow breaths, mainly into the upper chest.

It is in these moments of stress that our body can seem like it has been transported back in time, it is like we are reliving the same experiences, and emotions from events long since passed.

These unintegrated parts of us have been stored in our bodies, woven within us, trapped for eternity as they lie unresolved.

“Our brain tries to forget, but our bodies never do”

Transformational Healing Breathwork Experience

While using conscious connected breathing, the carefully selected music evokes emotions and feelings within. I guide you through transformation by bringing all of these parts from within you, into the present moment, where they can be processed, transcended, and released. This process IS the journey.

In the safe, supporting environment of a facilitated breathwork journey, you will access states of unconsciousness. It is from the unconscious mind that the parts you need to process, step forward. Afterwards, this work can be witnessed in you by feelings of absolute bliss. Any tension or stress you had been holding onto will be released, you will feel at ease – lighter, calmer, and centred.

Benefits of Transformational Healing Breathwork Experience

Transformational healing & breathwork experience can benefit you in many ways. Here are lists of potential benefits you may experience, broken into the following categories:

Transformational Healing Breathwork Experience
Transformational Healing Breathwork Experience

Journey Details & How To Prepare


Some Things To Consider

The Setup!

Choosing your position

Because a breathwork journey typically lasts approx. 1 hour, and you will be accessing various states of consciousness, I advise all participants to lie flat, on a firm surface – such as a bed or on the floor (you may use a yoga mat).
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Whilst laying flat, you may like to use a small soft cushion beneath your head. This is ok, however, please refrain from using a large pillow. Elevating your head will restrict your airflow.
You may, if you like, have a blanket at hand. This can be used during or after the session as you integrate the journey.
Typically, there will be a scream or shout during the journey. This provides somatic release and is quite beneficial. Point to note: Some people’s homes have thin walls, and to avoid embarrassing looks from the neighbours, many people use a cushion to scream into to dampen the noise.

During The Journey!

How We Roll

Laying flat, the individual breathes in a “circular motion” through the mouth – 2x inhales, 1x exhales, continuously and with no pauses at the top or bottom.
The participants typically lie on their back, eyes closed (if you have an eye mask you may wear it), one hand on their belly, one hand on their chest (although their hands will alternate positions)
If via Zoom, participants typically follow the same steps mentioned, except they will be wearing earbuds/headphones, and have their web device camera turned on for me to guide them on the journey.
Sometimes, in person, I will use headphones for a journey, and I and/or my assistants will “guide the attendees” and hold space.
During both online and in-person events, I will use a paid streaming platform for music selection. PLEASE NOTE: It is not allowed for individuals to record the session, as this will be in contravention of my contract and will result in action by the service provider.

How You Will Feel!

Sensing The Sensations

On my command, you will begin the breathing technique through the mouth: actively breathing in on the inhales, and passively letting the breath fall away on the exhale.
I will monitor your technique and tempo. This will be a steady pace throughout.
Think of the journey as a bell curve: A beginning, A peak, and A conclusion or integration.
In the beginning, you will experience physical and mental challenges as you adapt to breathing. This is normal. I will encourage and guide you.
You will likely experience light cramping and tingling sensations. Again, this is normal. It is a product of the different gas exchanges going on in your body.
You will experience emotional shifts. Again normal AND wanted. You want to process these, so you want them to come up.

Monthly Healing Journey
Creacon Wellness Retreat
New Ross
County Wexford