
About Your Breath Coach

About your breath coach

Your breath coach...

Hi, I'm Séamus. I'm a breathing coach and I use scientifically supported techniques to teach individuals and groups to breathe optimally, to improve their health, achieve peak performance, and to transcend limitations.

I coach people to quieten out the noise, to gain mental focus, and to build resilience, which improves all areas of life. Improved breathing can be applied with great effect everywhere from the school classroom; to the corporate boardroom. 

I teach the importance of proper breathing at all times, because functional breathing is crucial 24 hours a day - from the time you're sleeping, to the times you are hard at work or competing in sports.

I'm a trained Advanced Oxygen Advantage™ Instructor and I use the OA™ techniques for functional breathing and sports performance. For transformational breathwork and trauma release, I use Breathmasters™ conscious connected breathwork techniques in guided sessions.

About Your Oxygen Advantage™(OA) Breath Coach

As your  breath coach, I utilise the OA™ method of instruction. It is a series of unique breathing exercises for optimum health and sports performance. The exercises focus on two pillars: functional breathing and simulation of high altitude training.

About Your Functional Breath Coaching

As Your Breath Coach, it's important to know that I believe functional breathing is one of the most important pillars of health. Breathing is the first and most basic autonomic function, influencing mind, body, and personal potential. Dysfunctional breathing  are learned behaviours, or bad habits, we have adopted and which are suboptimal to our potential performance. I train people to breathe in a way that balances the body's nervous system and so reduces all-round stress.

Some questions you can ask to determine if you are breathing dysfunctionally are:

Am I breathing shallow, chest breaths?

Can I hear myself breathing?

Do I feel tense?

Do my hands or feet often feel cold?

Do I yawn a lot?

Are there signs I breathe through my mouth at night? (Snoring, dry mouth in the morning, etc)

If you answered yes to a few of these, you may be a dysfunctional breather.

About Your High Altitude Simulation Breath Coaching

The OA™ simulation of high altitude training techniques, are for anyone who wants to improve their breathing during sports. Whether you’re a professional competitive athlete or an ordinary person who just wants to get fitter, this training will give you the tools to break through your breathlessness barrier, balance your nervous system and boost speed and endurance.

The OA™ simulation of  high altitude training techniques, will help the amateur, semi or pro athlete to make better use of the air they breathe, by training their body to excel under stress.

OA™ simulation of high altitude is suitable for all sports and teams - from running to boxing, cycling to rowing, from hockey to hurling!

Some questions you can ask to determine if you would benefit from this training are:

Do I breathe through the mouth during exercise?

Is my breathing hard & laboured during exercise?

Do I gas out easily during exercise?

Do I take a long time to recover post exercise?

Do I feel overly fatigued after exercise?

If you answered yes to a few of these, you would benefit from OA™ simulation of high altitude training

What else does Your Breath Coach Do?

As you learn about your breath coach, it is important to note that while I believe functional and performance breathing practice is important, I also facilitate Transformational Breathwork Journeys for individuals looking for a transformative experience. Because for some of us, our body is holding onto memories of past experiences that we really should release, and through the somatic release provided in breathwork journeys, great healing can be achieved.

About Transformational Breathwork:

Transformational Breathwork is the active form of deliberately manipulating your breath patterns to bypass the mind and enter a different state of awareness. They are the combination of many working parts, like breathwork and music. The sessions are facilitated and guided by me (NLP Master Practitioner and life coach).

While similar to the goals of meditating, breathwork journey's take you to that place - but much quicker, and can provide the following benefits:

Trauma Release

* Somatic Healing

* Subconscious Reprogramming

* Belief Clearing

* Access to Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

* Mood & Emotional Regulation